Name of organisation: Euforic (European Forum for International Cooperation), assigned by the European Commission
Team leader: Peter Ballantyne – Euforic Association
Position: Independent Knowledge Management and information sharing Consultant at Brussels Briefings
Start date: 2008-10-01
End date: 2009-04-30
Mrs. Zwier contributed to information sharing during the Brussels briefings, where challenges and key issues for rural international development are discussed in the context context of cooperation between the European Union (EU) /and African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries.
More about the Brussels Briefings (
'The ACP-EU technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), the European Commission, the EU Presidency, the ACP Group, Concord, and other partners organise regular development Briefing sessions in Brussels on key issues and challenges for rural development in the context of EU-ACP cooperation.
A growing number of challenges have an impact on the agricultural and rural sector of the ACP countries, including climate change, migration, low interest and funding of the agriculture sector and low priority to rural development, impact of globalisation on small-scale producers, opportunities and challenges posed by biofuels…
These are other issues are being tackled by a range of development organisations (international, governmental, NGOs, networks) at national and regional levels in ACP and developing countries and in Europe. However, we believe that a more structured exchange of information and experience amongst the development community in Brussels would greatly strengthen these dispersed efforts, by enhancing communication, promoting coherence, and increasing collaboration and partnerships.
The target group of such Briefings is the wider ‘development’ community in Brussels (EC services, European Parliament, NGOs and networks, ACP Group, EU Member States representatives…)'.
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Value: Unknown
Description of value:
Donor: European Commission