ICT is a key component of every modern organisation. Stephanie offers technical assistance and ICT related services to different clients. She started advising and working on different ICT related pilot projects, providing advice, giving one-on-one trainings as well as technical assistance services in 2008 to engage staff with new ICT tools, improve their confidence and efficiency. She has contributed to Knowledge Management, web2.0 and social media projects and provided advice and trainings in different roles.
Stephanie specialise in the field of international development cooperation and specifically in areas that involve gender, ICT, climate change, environmental issues and education. She has worked in different roles and is able to wear many hats, such as training expert, technical assistant or capacity building expert. Some examples of ICT related projects are:
- Social media research for government;
- Technical assistance and trainings provided to ICCO Cooperation and the European Commission as a Euforic Associate;
- Technical assistance and trainings provided to ICCO Cooperation on Public Private Partnerships and Climate Change as a Fair and Sustainable Advisory Services Associate;
- Technical assistance and trainings provided on the International Development Cooperation Debate for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Co-developing user friendly bookkeeping software used by entrepreneurs and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) for their day-to-day administration and bookkeeping.
- An independent reviewer on the bookkeeping software co-developed by Create Consultancy: “Easily accessible, very complete, clear explanations.” .. “this app definitely has the potential of becoming THE bookkeeping software for freelancers”. MacFan score: 8/10.
- A client’s review: ‘Super practical bookkeeping package. Finally, after years, a good bookkeeping package for the Mac’
Being a young and entrepreneurial woman she mostly enjoys working on the empowerment of women in ICT. Women can provide added value in increasing the user friendliness of software and ICT tools. She excels in projects that aim to engage or empower women by making best use of available Information and Communication Technologies. In her work she has gained a lot of experience in training users on how to use technologies, and is most passionate about knowledge management. She has cooperated with a wide group of users to jointly set up knowledge management portals. Thanks to this experience she learned how to fine-tuning software to the needs of end users, test software and ensure ICT tools meet the needs of end users. She is well capable of giving trainings and able to identify training needs and deliver adapted ICT trainings on the spot. Furthermore she is experienced in monitoring and evaluating achieved results on ICT. She can easily learn to work with new technologies, portals and platforms and enjoy online cooperation and collaboration through virtual teams. She has a fully equipped home-based office with a reliable fibre 100Mb/s internet connection.
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