Project title:
Name of organisation: EPRD Office for Economic Policy and Regional Development Ltd
Team leader: Malgorzate Olesiak (EPRD), Marco Camboni (RPA)
Position: National Expert (the Netherlands)
Start date: 2018-06-01
End date: 2018-09-30
Description: Explored available data at the national level in order to develop indicators for evaluating performance of ‘Remedies Directives’ on public procurement, as part of an EU identification and formulation process. Stephanie was in charge of the contribution from the Netherlands and her partner organisation was the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. Website Milieu: "On 14 February 2019, the European Commission DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) published the final report on a study carried out by RPA, EPRD and Milieu Consulting. The study aimed to increase transparency and performance of national remedies’ systems on public procurement. It presents information on the collection of procedural data related to remedies’ systems in EU countries. It further develops sensible indicators for the short-medium term coupled to a set of longer-term recommendations for evaluating the performance of the Remedies Directives." The Study is available online at: Study to explore data availability at the national level in order to develop indicators for evaluating the performance of the Remedies Directives Read more on DG GROW
Location: Homebased
Description of value:
Donor: European Commission
Name of organisation: EPRD Office for Economic Policy and Regional Development Ltd
Team leader: Malgorzate Olesiak (EPRD), Marco Camboni (RPA)
Position: National Expert (the Netherlands)
Start date: 2018-06-01
End date: 2018-09-30
Description: Explored available data at the national level in order to develop indicators for evaluating performance of ‘Remedies Directives’ on public procurement, as part of an EU identification and formulation process. Stephanie was in charge of the contribution from the Netherlands and her partner organisation was the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. Website Milieu: "On 14 February 2019, the European Commission DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) published the final report on a study carried out by RPA, EPRD and Milieu Consulting. The study aimed to increase transparency and performance of national remedies’ systems on public procurement. It presents information on the collection of procedural data related to remedies’ systems in EU countries. It further develops sensible indicators for the short-medium term coupled to a set of longer-term recommendations for evaluating the performance of the Remedies Directives." The Study is available online at: Study to explore data availability at the national level in order to develop indicators for evaluating the performance of the Remedies Directives Read more on DG GROW
The report offers a detailed description of the methodology (page four and five):
"During the inception phase of this project, a consultation guide for the network of national experts was developed. The guide provided background information, detailed the specific objectives of the project and suggested a list of tasks for the experts. Experts were then asked to perform an initial survey of the different elements of the remedies systems used in their country. As a second step, the questionnaire for the online survey was forwarded to the experts, along with a draft of the invitation email to the survey. The invitation email was translated and sent to the list of contacts for the first instance review bodies in the 28 Member States (provided by the European Commission), along with a letter from DG GROW introducing both the study and the study team...For each Member State, the country fiche summarises the information collected through desk research and consultation. All country fiches follow the same structure and include information on:
- A table providing summary information relating to remedies data and the creation of remedies indicators;
- An overview of the public procurement review system and associated procedures in the Member State in question;
- Information relating to the national data collection system, including data collected, frequency of collection and methods of collection, including:
- Information on tenders and contracts; and
- Information on complaints and review procedures;
- Survey responses, including where available:
- Whether that Member State plans to modify their data collection activities, with an accompanying rationale; and
- An indication by the Member State of the data left uncollected and a discussion of the reasons why such data is not collected (i.e. doing so may present a considerable additional administrative burden); and
- A table summarising survey information".
Location: Homebased
Description of value:
Donor: European Commission